A Little About Me . . .

In the ‘50s, my family purchased their first herding dogs, Farm Collies (rough). Although not “show” quality, they were extremely intelligent as well as great family companions. In the early ‘60s we purchased our first 'show' quality dog, a female German Shepherd, who became our, 'somewhat' foundation brood bitch, Heidi Vom Haus JaBeKerBof. Heidi had several outstanding litters and this is were Me and my Girls - Courtney (L) Trouble (R)my interest grew in the breeding, training and genetic aspects of purebred dogs.

As a family dog, Heidi was wonderful - loving and protective, obedient and reliable. She was my first hands-on effort of training in obedience.

Later on in the early ‘70’s, we purchased our 'hoped for' Champion male of outstanding imported German lines, but, unfortunately, the litter was plagued with hip problems. The type of dog had changed a great deal in a short period of time, emphasizing on excessive angulation and flying trot - traits that would eventually plagued the breed for many years to come. A half sister of his was also purchased. She, too, was plagued with a different problem. Infertility. At this point I had decided to change breeds.

During the early ‘80s I remained virtually dogless although I did help obedience train some mixed breeds as well as a few other purebreds, such as Poodles and a Border Collie. It wasn't until the late ‘80s that I was able to purchase my own foundation dogs in the breed of Australian Shepherds. These dogs I have come to love and cherish. Their intelligence is boundless and their innate ability to read us is remarkable.

Over the years I have sought out companionable animals of quality with the inherent desire and ability to work. It hasn't always been easy and there have been times where I have regretted a certain breeding or acquisition. But, as every breeder knows, all breedings are a test of trial and error. Hopefully, those errors are few.

Although my main emphasis is on structure; working ability and temperament are of equal importance in my overall equation in a quality dog, for without the totality of all these parts, the true Aussie is lost.

I have been thankful for the help that I have received over the years by various knowledgeable breeders, as well as the insight that I have been given by reading various books on the breed and other aspects of breeding, genetics and working stockdogs.

Over the years I have continued to breed good looking working dogs that is a vital part of a working ranch/farm or can compete succesfully in all areas of competition. Flyball, agility, stock, conformation, tracking and obedience have been areas that you will see my dogs competiting in successfully. I have finished two Working Trial Champions (and more close to finishing) and five Conformation Champions to date with ASCA and am now an approved ASCA Breeder Judge.

Although I do love to judge and show, my main love is the stockdog and seeing the true nature of the Australian Shepherd in action. Through living with these dogs in a day to day farm environment, I have witnessed what does and does not work in structure as well as temperament, biddability and work ethics. With continued work in this area I have bred my dogs to stay within the ASCA standard as a working dog as well as to continue to be a vital resource in the work life of a farm.

The Ones Who Started It All & My Mission Statement